Neighbor Day

Kenai Peninsula Food Bank 33955 Community College Dr., Soldotna, AK, United States

Join us in our new Neighbor Day fundraising campaign! May 4th is Neighbor Day and we want to celebrate with a generosity movement unleashing the power of radical kindness—it’s a day to encourage people to do good for our neighbors. We call the people who come to us for help neighbors because that’s who they are. Hunger doesn’t just affect the people hundreds of miles away, it affects the people next door, our family and friends, our neighbors. This May 4th, consider joining us in lending our neighbors a helping hand by donating your time, treasure, and talents to KPFB. Sign up to volunteer, donate funds, or help spread awareness about hunger in our communities now till May 4th!

Spring Festival

Kenai Peninsula Food Bank 33955 Community College Dr., Soldotna, AK, United States

Join us at KPFB for our Annual Spring Festival! This free community barbeque celebrates spring while connecting our community with organizations from across the Kenai Peninsula who can provide local resources. Everyone is welcome to attend this outdoor event. KPFB will provide great food, summer-themed door prizes, interactive booths, games and more! Fun for the whole family, let’s celebrate together!