Holiday Closure
Kenai Peninsula Food Bank 33955 Community College Dr., Soldotna, AK, United StatesThe food bank will be closed for the holiday.
The food bank will be closed for the holiday.
The KPFB warehouse will be closed for inventory on the last work day of each month, including closure of the Cache/food pickup and agency shopping. The Fireweed Diner will remain open for lunch from 11:30 am to 1 pm.
Join us for a delicious Easter lunch in our Fireweed Diner on Good Friday! Everyone is welcome to join in on the fun and food for no charge. See you there!
Join us in our new Neighbor Day fundraising campaign! May 4th is Neighbor Day and we want to celebrate with a generosity movement unleashing the power of radical kindness—it’s a day to encourage people to do good for our neighbors. We call the people who come to us for help neighbors because that’s who they are. Hunger doesn’t just affect the people hundreds of miles away, it affects the people next door, our family and friends, our neighbors. This May 4th, consider joining us in lending our neighbors a helping hand by donating your time, treasure, and talents to KPFB. Sign up to volunteer, donate funds, or help spread awareness about hunger in our communities now till May 4th!
The Anchor Point Food Pantry and the Kenai Peninsula Food Bank are fishing for your support this April 27th from 6-8 pm at the Anchor Point VFW! Join us for our first ever Fishing for Support fundraiser. There will be incredible food, amazing auction items, and more for only a suggested donation of $5 per person or $10 per family. We’re partnering together to build a better Anchor Point, with the goal of catching $5,000 to match the grant from CIRI for our new facility. Come learn about the building project and lend us your support. Join the crew today! For more information, call 907-299-8437.
It's officially time for summer! Join us this Saturday with Diamond Dance Project and others for their Aloha Vibes event. We'll be hosting a food drive on-site. Everyone who donates will have a chance at winning one dance class FREE for a whole season! General admission is $5.00 for 13 years or older (12 and under are FREE). Get your tickets today at
Join us at KPFB for our Annual Spring Festival! This free community barbeque celebrates spring while connecting our community with organizations from across the Kenai Peninsula who can provide local resources. Everyone is welcome to attend this outdoor event. KPFB will provide great food, summer-themed door prizes, interactive booths, games and more! Fun for the whole family, let’s celebrate together!
Who will be the 2024 King of the River? Kenai or Soldotna? Let’s find out! Starting at the 4th of July parade this year and going until the 11th of July, Kenai and Soldotna will compete to see which city is able to gather the most non-perishable food and monetary donations for the Kenai Peninsula Food Bank. Every $1 donated is equal to about 1 pound of food. There will be three locations (the Kenai and Soldotna Chambers of Commerce, and the Kenai Peninsula Food Bank) for individuals to donate food or money—just look for the KPFB buckets. Donations will be accepted between the 4th and 11th leading up to the Oiler's game on July 12th. When you donate, make sure to tell the person taking in your donation which city you’re donating from. Anyone who donates will be entered into a drawing to win $1,000. The winner will be drawn at the Oilers game on July 12, 2024. Depending on which city wins the King of the River food drive, that city’s mayor will be throwing the first pitch of the game. So, stock up on non-perishable food goods to donate and help your city win! Drop off donations between the 4th and 11th leading up to the Oiler's game on July 12th. Any City Drop Off Address: Kenai Peninsula Food Bank, 33955 Community College Drive, Soldotna, Ak 99669 Kenai Drop Off Address: Kenai Chamber of Commerce, 11471 Kenai Spur Hwy, Kenai, AK 99611 Soldotna Drop Off Address: Soldotna Chamber of Commerce, 44790 Sterling Hwy, Soldotna, AK 99669 How can you help? Become an event sponsor. Sponsorships start at $500.00. For each sponsor, your business name and logo will be displayed on banners at the Oilers game and other areas. Your business name will be broadcast on all advertising platforms used for event, including online and radio advertising. Donate non-perishable food or money to the Kenai Peninsula Food Bank between the 4th and 11th leading up to the Oiler's game on July 12th at the Kenai Peninsula Food Bank, Kenai Chamber of Commerce, or the Soldotna Chamber of Commerce. Buy Raffle Tickets from Peninsula Oilers, Kenai Peninsula Food Bank, and the Boys and Girls Club of the Kenai Peninsula at the Oilers game on July 12, 2023, for their respective fundraisers; or between July 4th - 11th. Advertise the event and get your coworkers, friends, and family involved!
The Peninsula Oilers, Kenai Peninsula Food Bank, and the Boys and Girls Club of the Kenai Peninsula have partnered for a free Oilers baseball game event. We will be having a BBQ at the game with representatives on the grill serving FREE hot dogs and drinks for all attendees. There will be fun games for kids, lots of raffles, and much more. Depending on which city wins the King of the River food drive, that city’s major will be throwing the first pitch of the game! How can you help? Become an event sponsor. Sponsorships start at $500.00. For each sponsor, your business name and logo will be displayed on banners at the Oilers game and other areas. Your business name will be broadcast on all advertising platforms used for event, including online and radio advertising. Donate non-perishable food or money to the Kenai Peninsula Food Bank between the 4th and 11th leading up to the Oiler's game on July 12th at the Kenai Peninsula Food Bank, Kenai Chamber of Commerce, or the Soldotna Chamber of Commerce. Buy Raffle Tickets from Peninsula Oilers, Kenai Peninsula Food Bank, and the Boys and Girls Club of the Kenai Peninsula at the Oilers game on July 12, 2023, for their respective fundraisers; or between July 4th - 11th. Advertise the event and get your coworkers, friends, and family involved!
Due to a delay, CSFP (Senior Boxes) pick up will start on the 17th this month. Pickup times for Senior Boxes are 12 am to 4 pm. ID is now required when filling out paperwork and picking up senior box.
Join us between 11 am and 2 pm for our end of summer BBQ and KPFB Cares - Kicks for the Kenai event in partnership with Samaritan's Feet and Alaska Christian College! There will be free shoes and socks, delicious food, and two drawings for bikes!
This public meeting to identify project proposals under the State of Alaska - Community Assistance Program will be held at the Kenai Peninsula Food Bank on 9/10/24 at 5 pm. The public and eligible non-profits physically located within the K-Beach District area are welcome to attend.