Your contributions help Kenai Peninsula families fight hunger!
When you give money, food, or time or raise your voice in the cause to end hunger, you fill plates for struggling children, families, and seniors and give them a chance for a better future. With just a $25 donation, you help the food bank acquire 25 pounds of food.
Generosity comes in many forms, and it’s often the best way for you to support important causes that matter the most to you. You can provide financial support to The Kenai Peninsula Food Bank by donating online, through the mail, over the phone, or in person.
Everyone deserves to eat well, and no one on the Peninsula should go hungry. Donate today so you can help us continue to provide food and services to children, families, and seniors in need. When you donate, you’re helping to:
We take our responsibility seriously to be the best stewards of the resources you entrust to us. We will use your gifts wisely to further our mission of putting food on the table for children, seniors, families, and individuals.
One dollar provides one pound of food to a person in need when you give to The Kenai Peninsula Food Bank. No gift is too small and every gift matters. You can make an impact in our community and give hope. We appreciate your kindness!
Become a Meal-a-Month sponsor! Meal-a-Month is a recurring monthly donation. When you give monthly, you fill plates for struggling Alaska families all year round. Simply check the box on the donation form, choose the amount you want to give each month, and help all year long.
Donate from your PayPal account as a on-time or monthly donation by clicking the link below. Thank you for your generosity and dedication to fighting hunger in our communities!
We except cash, check, or money orders. Send To:
The Kenai Peninsula Food Bank,
33955 Community College Drive,
Soldotna, AK 99669.
For more information, call (907) 416-7619.
We are now able to take credit card donations over the phone.
To make a donation, call (907) 416-7619 and ask for Amy, Lilly, or Claire.
Recognize someone’s special event or memorialize a loved one who has passed away with a gift to end hunger. We will notify the family or person you are honoring of your gift.
Support the food bank every time you shop! Donate spare change by automatically rounding up your orders to the nearest dollar at checkout on the Walmart website or app.
You can also check out KPFB’s registries during events to donate items! Designate KPFB as your charity today by clicking the button below.
You can support the food bank by shopping at your favorite stores online through the ShopRaise app or browser extension at no additional cost to you!
Turn your everyday shopping into support for KPFB today by clicking the button below.
If you have a Fred Meyer Rewards Card, you can donate to the food bank without spending any extra money–just shopping and using your Fred Meyer Rewards Card!
Instructions for signing up using a computer:
Log in to your account online
Go to My Account -> Community Rewards
Click Enroll
Type in our NPO# (Non-Profit Organization number): 83575
Instructions for signing up using the Fred Meyer Mobile App:
Log in to your account
Click on the drop down Menu
Click on Rewards
Click on Community Rewards
Enroll using our NPO#: 83575
Contributions may be added to the Kenai Peninsula Food Bank Endowment Fund through the Alaska Community Foundation website. Simply click below and type in ‘Kenai Peninsula Food Bank Endowment Fund’ in the donation search.
Pick.Click.Give. allows Alaskans to donate a portion of their Permanent Fund Dividend to Alaskan causes they care about. We hope you will choose the Kenai Peninsula Food Bank.
And if you’ve already chosen a recipient for 2024, you can change the recipient organization up until August 31st this year!
Fuel is an essential part of our mission to feed those suffering from food insecurity on the Kenai Peninsula! We use fuel every day to deliver food to over 40 communities and over 40 partner agencies. Donate to our fuel fund today to to help us continue serving the entire Kenai Peninsula!
Monday – Friday
Fireweed Diner: 11:30 am – 1 pm
Neighbor Food Boxes: 12 pm – 4 pm
Front office: 10 am – 4 pm
Warehouse: 9 am – 4 pm
Please feel free to contact us with any questions
or if you need help finding food.
Web Design by Digital Reach